Environmental Impact Statement for proposed Port of Cork’s proposed Material Alteration to Ringaskiddy Redevelopment (PL04.PM0010)

Cover Letter

Design Report

EIS Non-technical summary: Non-technical Summary_20.12.16

EIS Volume I – Main Text:
Volume I Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction Scoping Consultation
Chapter 2 Need for the Proposed Alterations and Alternatives Considered
Chapter 3 Project Description
Chapter 4 Planning Policy
Chapter 5 Human Environment
Chapter 6 Cultural Heritage
Chapter 7 Landscape & Visual
Chapter 8 Traffic and Transportation
Chapter 9 Noise & Vibration
Chapter 10 Air Quality and Climate
Chapter 11 Soils and Geology
Chapter 12 Coastal Processes
Chapter 13 Water Environment
Chapter 14 Marine Ecology
Chapter 15 Terrestrial Ecology & Ornithology
Chapter 16 Interactions
Chapter 17 Summary of Submissions

EIS Volume II – Figures
Volume II Contents
Figure 3.01 Permitted Work Currently Completed

Figure 3.02a Phasing of Works
Figure 3.02b Phasing of Works
Figure 3.03 Permitted Development Terminal Layout
Figure 3.05 Proposed Terminal Layout
Figure 3.08 Phase 1a Proposed Operational Layout
Figure 3.09 Comparison of Container Handling Equipment
Figure 3.10 Additional Terminal Operational Area
Figure 3.11 Comparison of Lighting – Permitted Development and Proposed
Figure 3.12 Lux Levels from Proposed High Mast Lighting
Figure 3.13 Permitted Development Quay Area Layout
Figure 3.14 Proposed Quay Layout
Figure 3.15 Comparison of Permitted Quay and Proposed Alterations
Figure 3.16 Quay Layout – Phase 1a and Phase 1b
Figure 3.17 Removal of Existing Dolphins
Figure 3.18 Location of Proposed Dolphins
Figure 3.19 Proposed Dolphins Elevation
Figure 3.20 Additional Dredging Layout
Figure 3.21 Permitted Development Building Locations
Figure 3.22 a Ground Floor Plan Custom Inspection Building
Figure 3.22 b Elevations Custom Inspection Building
Figure 3.22 Proposed Building Locations
Figure 3.23 a Ground Floor Plan Terminal Office and Maintenance Building
Figure 3.23 b Elevations Terminal Office and Maintenance Building
Figure 3.23 c Contextual Elevations Terminal Office and Maintenance Building
Figure 3.23 d Contextual Elevations Terminal Office and Maintenance Building
Figure 3.23 Proposed Maintenance Building Layout
Figure 3.24 Gantry Locations and Typical Section
Figure 3.25 Reefer Gantry Locations
Figure 3.26 Reefer Gantry Details
Figure 3.27 Interchange Area for Permitted Development and
Figure 3.28 Comparison of Red Line Boundaries
Figure 4.1 Ringaskiddy plannign zonings
Figure 6.1 Summary Plan A3
Figure 6.2 Discovery mapping of Ringaskiddy A3
Figure 6.3 Distribution of known archaeological sites A3
Figure 6.4 Extract from Down survey map of 1670 A3
Figure 6.5 Extracts from Historic Maps of Cork Harbour A3
Figure 6.6 Extract from OS first edition a3
Figure 6.7 Map showing extent of geophysical survey
Figure 6.8 Map showing extent of intertidal and underwater survey
Figure 6.9 Map showing depth soundings
Figure 6.10 Images of reclaimed land in East Basin A3
Figure 6.11 Images of intertidal survey in West Basin a3
Figure 6.12 Images of dive area in East Basin A3
Figure 6.13 Underwater dive images A3
Figure 6.14 Extent of Underwater survey
Figure 6.15 Images of intertidal and dive survey a3
Figure 7.1 Zone of Visual Influence
Figure 7.2 Landscape Character Areas
Figure 7.3 Viewpoint Locations
Figure 9.1 Noise Monitoring and Modelling Locations
Figure 9.2 Noise Monitoring and Modelling Locations
Figure 9.3 Noise Monitoring and Modelling Locations
Figure 11.1 Simplified Geology Map of Cork Harbour A3
Figure 11.2 Extract from GSI sheet 25 a3
Figure 11.3 Geological Cross Section a3
Figure 11.4 Aquifer Classification a3
Figure 15.1 Designated Sites for Nature Conservation
Figure 15.2 Habitat Survey Results

Volume III – Appendices:
Volume III Appendices Contents
Appendix 1.1 Statutory Body Submissions to ABP
Appendix 1.1 Statutory Body Submissions to ABP
Appendix 1.2 Public and Interest Group Submissions to ABP
Appendix 1.3 An Bord Pleanála letter confirming requirement for an EIS
Appendix 11.1 Preliminary Risk Assessment
Appendix 15.1 Screening for Appropriate Assessment & Natura Impact Statement
Appendix 15.2 Data Records
Appendix 15.3 Otter Survey Report 2015
Appendix 15.4 Common Tern Monitoring 2014-2016
Appendix 15.5 Wintering Bird Survey report 2014-15

IBM0575-PL-0001 Overall Site Location Pla-A0
IBM0575-PL-0002 Revised Container Terminal Plan-A0
IBM0575-PL-0003 Revised Site Section AA-A0
IBM0575-PL-0004 Revised Site Section BB-A0
IBM0575-PL-0005 Proposed Dolphins-A1
IBM0575-PL-0006 Berth Options Phasing-A1
IBM0575-PL-0007 Future Linkspan Phase 3-A1
IBM0575-PL-0008 Entrance and Revised Interchange and Exit Area-A1
IBM0575-PL-0009 Overall Phasing Layout-A0
IBM0575-PL-0010 Phasing of Development-A0
IBM0575-PL-0011 Revised Site Sections CC and DD-A1
IBM0575-PL-0012 Elevation of Proposed Mooring Dolphins-A1
IBM0575-PL-0013 Reefer Gantry Details-A1
IBM0575-PL-0014 Proposed Alterations to Dredging Layout-A0
IBM0575-PL-0015 Comparison of Terminal Layouts-A0
IBM0575-PL-0016 Planning Boundary Comparison-A0

The following drawings exceed my file size upload limit and so these are just screenshots.  If you need the drawing itself, email/message me and I’ll dropbox it to you: