Municipal Districts Creative Communities Scheme 2018

County Council‘s Municipal Districts Creative Communities Scheme 2018 is open for applications.

The Creative Communities Scheme will provide €150,000 funding to support the development of new community based arts projects, encouraging community groups to work with arts organisations and individual artists to develop arts and cultural projects at local level. The scheme aims to promote access to the arts and to increase public participation and involvement in creative activity.

The guidance notes for applying to the grant scheme are here:
Creative Communities 2018 funding call announced[2]

The application form for the scheme is here:
Application Form CORK COUNTY MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS Creative Communities Scheme 2018

Draft bye-laws for the creation and regulation of appointed taxi stands in Douglas

In accordance with Section 25 of the Taxi Regulation Act, as amended, Cork County Council proposes to make Bye Laws for the creation and regulation of appointed stands in Douglas County Cork.

A copy of the draft Bye Laws is available for inspection at Floor 5, County Hall; Council Offices in Carrigaline and Douglas Library during normal working hours until 20th July 2018.  A copy of the draft Bye-Laws can be obtained from the Council Office on Floor 5 County Hall.  The draft bye-laws are also available at this link:

180106 Draft Douglas Appointed Stand Bye-Laws 2018

Representations in relation to the draft Bye Laws may be made in writing to the Municipal District Officer, Floor 5, County Hall, Cork, before 27th July 2018.

Submission/petition to Cork County Council re. proposed total closure of the R610 through Passage West

Ward and Burke are proposing two complete road closures in #PassageWest. The first is to lay the sewer in the road from Glenbrook Wharf – Lucia Place during July/August and the second is to lay it from the Town Hall – Oysterhaven Boats (ish) during September/October.  They say they need these closures to lay the sewer.  In addition to this, Ward and Burke already have permission to close the Back Road for July and other partial closures between Passage West, Glenbrook and Monkstown.

The presentation given by Ward & Burke to councillors on these proposed complete road closures is here:

Passage West Road Closure Presentation

The first road closure was advertised today.  Because it will have a significant effect on businesses, residents and travel, there is much concern about it.  The only opportunity to have these concerns heard and worked around is to make a submission to the road closure application.  A petition outlining those concerns has been distributed to the businesses today and will be collected on Tuesday for forwarding to Cork County Council.  The text of that petition is here:

Road closure submission

You can make your own submission to Cork County Council if you wish by emailing or by writing to Director of Services, Roads & Transportation, Cork County Council, The Courthouse, Skibbereen, Co. Cork.  The closing date for receipt of submissions is Wednesday, 20th June.  There is no fee for making the submission.

Planning permission granted to Indaver for incinerator in Ringaskiddy

This morning (31st May 2018), An Bord Pleanála granted Indaver Ireland planning permission to build an incinerator in Ringaskiddy to burn 240,000 tonnes of hazardous and non-hazardous waste each year.  This is the third planning application from Indaver for an incinerator on this site.  Each time, the people of Cork Harbour have fought to keep Indaver out of Cork Harbour.  Each time, against all odds, they have won.  This below is the link to today’s grant of planning from the Board.  In doing so, they followed a trend of overturning the recommendation of their Senior Planning Inspector. Every Planning Inspector who has scrutinised this or any of the previous planning applications has said that this is the wrong site for an incinerator.

We will fight on.

ABP decision, May 2018