Clarke’s Hill upgrade Part 8 documents and drawings

The Part 8 planning application phase of the Clarke’s Hill upgrade began yesterday, 29th January.
The scheme includes for a carriageway typically widened to 6m, 2 no. 2m footpaths, upgraded bus set-down locations and renewed boundary walls/fences.  The current signalised junction at the upper (southern) entrance to the Mount Oval housing estate will be upgraded.  A new signalised junction will be installed at the lower (northern) entrance to the Mount Oval housing estate and the junction between the R610 and the L2471 will be signalised.  There will be a new right hand turning lane from Clarke’s Hill onto the R610 and likewise from the R610 onto Clarke’s Hill.
Scheme plans and drawings are on display at County Hall and at the Carrigaline Area Office.  A link will also be put on  That link hasn’t been made yet so until then, you can access the plans and drawings here:
Submissions in relation to the proposed development  may be made on or before 3pm on Monday 26th March 2018 in writing to the
Senior Engineer,
Clarke’s Hill Road – Part 8 Planning,
Road Design Office,
Cork County Council,
Co. Cork.
There is no fee for making a submission.

Airport roundabout upgrade

The NRA is running a project to upgrade the landscaping of the airport roundabout.  This upgrade went to Part 8 planning in November 2016.  The Part 8 planning report to the County Council is here:

‘Part 8 Planning Report N27 Airport Roundabout & N28 Shanbally Roundabout.pdf’-2 copy

Landscape drawings of the proposed upgrade that were published with the planning application are at these links:

1516-103-LA-T001 Site Location
1516-103-LA-T002 Existing Conditions
1516-103-LA-T003 Landscape Layout
1516-103-LA-T004 Painted surfacing detail
1516-103-LA-T005 Earth Mound Detail
1516-103-LA-T006 Sculpture Details

The project also includes an upgrade to the Halfway roundabout and an upgrade to the Shanbally roundabout.  The Shanbally upgrade also has planning permission but the tender is being run separately.  Drawings for the Shanbally upgrade are at these links:

1516-104- LA-T001 Site Location
1516-104- LA-T002 Landscape Layout
1516-104-LA-T003 Berm Details
1516-104- LA-T004 Planting plan and details

Lets Move with Cork SportsAbility

Lets Move with Cork SportsAbility –  funding available for disability services and special schools through the Healthy Ireland fund.

This initiative will support disability services and special schools in County Cork to establish Lets Move with Cork SportsAbility programmes. These programmes can be any activity that will promote physical activity in your school/centre. Please note this initiative is available to services and schools in County Cork.

The programme details and application form are at these links:
Lets Move With Cork SportsAbility Programme Details
Lets Move With Cork SportsAbility Blank Application

Closing date for completed applications to be returned to Pádraig Healy (Sports Inclusion Disability Officer) is Friday January 12th 2018.

Funding can be used for equipment, instructors and venue hire. All programmes must be completed with all funding spent and reported to Cork Sports partnership by March 9th 2018.

For queries please contact Pádraig Healy, Sports Inclusion Disability Officer, Cork Sports Partnership, c/o Motor Tax Office, Model Business Park, Model Farm Road, Cork

Email:       Ph: 086 7947923

Municipal District Funding Scheme 2018

Cork County Council’s Municipal District Funding Scheme 2018 is offering three different types of grant:

1. Capital Fund – for community groups, sporting and local organisations who would like to undertake infrastructural projects costing over €20,000 that would improve the range or quality of community-based facilities within their area

2. Community Contract – for Tidy Towns groups who work with Cork County Council on local works and projects, agreed with the local Area Engineer, that enhance the area in which the group is active.

3. Amenity Fund Scheme – for community groups, sporting and local organisations in County Cork who wish to undertake projects or purchase equipment to a value of less than €20,000 that directly benefits communities and meets particular needs.

The following link explains the guidelines for each of the grants:  Community Fund Guidelines

If at all possible, applications for the grant schemes are to be made on-line through and applicants will need to register with to apply.

The closing date for applications is 4pm on Friday 16th February 2018.